Sunday, December 20, 2009

Loc Fence What Are The Biggest Obstacles Towards Initiating Construction Of The Border Fence?

What are the biggest obstacles towards initiating construction of the border fence? - loc fence

Duncan Hunter said on its website that the previous legislation of Congress on building a fence along the border, will break cover up to 854 miles. Regardless of whether or not directly say other sources, it is actually 700 miles, and despite the small building, which is (370 miles) is open, which a president could negotiate with Congress on the full implementation of the Secure Fence Act of 2006 ?
- Duncan closed the border in their petition campaign website ...
- The article quotes the actual length of fencing approved ...
- A reference to the Secure Fence Act of 2006


Mongo said...

To help without cheap labor from Mexico!

Mongo said...

To help without cheap labor from Mexico!

alphabet... said...

One day we must build the wall or fence is a strong leader with passion Mexican politician publicly said the United States ... "Mr. President, the wall!".

alphabet... said...

One day we must build the wall or fence is a strong leader with passion Mexican politician publicly said the United States ... "Mr. President, the wall!".

lovecryo... said...

I would say that the water cannons!

Layne B said...


stev said...

Politicians without gonads!

Static said...

The feeling imprisoned. (USA)

tiredofw... said...

Well, aside from the fact that Mexicans climbing fences and the United States are good the lack of staff effective a fence will not work unless you are monitoring on the border. If you simply around it. What good is a 800-mile fence on the border of 1500?

Has to mention the Berlin Wall does not work, and the guards would shoot to kill.

steinerr... said...

As history has shown that only mad, and was never in the history of mankind.

steinerr... said...

As history has shown that only mad, and was never in the history of mankind.

gerafalo... said...


FascFite... said...

Only one thing:

Lack of political will.

ben d said...

The biggest problem is that Americans themselves and their policies. You always worry about what others think of our country. Why not think about America and the problems, to help us, while using other countries. It is our duty to help other countries while America suffer from poor here at home. Therefore we have is all these illegal Mexicans in the United States through local enterprise which hurts .... illegal, not to come to the United States if they find a job ...... this is our problem with the construction of the fence .... cut off the supply of labor and cheap power for American car manufacturers, thereby reducing their profit margin. ....... To kill lol this is so funny Americans Americans ... ecomonicaly

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