Thursday, December 24, 2009

Reptile Parasites Why Is It Easier For A Parasite To Survive Inside A Birrd Or Mammal Than Inside An Ampibian Or Reptile?

Why is it easier for a parasite to survive inside a birrd or mammal than inside an ampibian or reptile? - reptile parasites

It depends on the life cycle of the parasite in general .... A parasite is an organism which is on the host organization for food and depend life outside of the body during saprophyte, an organism that on the host and food dependent, but live outside the body. I think the easiest pests in a mammal or a bird, because they are warm-blooded (birds are warm-blooded animals is less) and the temperature same.Reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded to survive so that their internal body temperature varies with temperature, may not be sustainable growth of the parasite.


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